Crowned Elites LLC Monthly Newsletter Stay Up To Date! Look at what we’ve done and what we have coming up
by Crowned Elites LLC on February 01, 2021 In January we launched Talk About It Thursday, a safe space for expression. Join us every Thursday at Noon CST Meeting ID: 588 961 5819 and Donate at $CrownedElitesLLC
We also were able to take part in the Afrikan Black Coalitions 18th annual conference entitled Black Revolution: We goin’ be alright.
Lastly, we are now actively engaging with community members on our app. To join download Wix and enter the Code: EMUD1V
Things to look out for
Partnering With Keeta’s Place This Spring we will be a part of Keeta’s Place, Self Love for Black Women Series. On February 27th we will host an event addressing this topic with grammar school and high school youth.
Connecting To Thrive This month we will have the opportunity to be a guest speaker during the Mighty Networks meeting hosted by Faith Hope and Spirit discussing ways to develop your self in order to have better relationships in the business world.
Chamber of Commerce This month we will officially be listed under the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce and the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce which means we will now be able to connect with more organizations to expand our services.
Iheart Media Brilliantly Black
Listen out the week of February 8th Iheart Media will be playing our commercial on all participating radio stations. We are so excited for this opportunity.